When COVID-19 vaccines became available in the spring of 2021, Governor Lamont and the Connecticut Department of Public Health (CT DPH) recognized that our state’s hardest hit communities needed extra support. African American and Latino families were less likely to have easy access to the vaccine and were more likely to suffer severe illness and death than other Connecticut residents.

To help combat this inequity, CT DPH hired Grossman Solutions to design and execute Get Vaccinated CT, a data-driven, door-to-door campaign that informs residents in vulnerable communities about the vaccine, debunks common misconceptions, and helps people get their shot.

Since that time, Get Vaccinated CT canvassers have met 39,923 people while knocking on 267,625 doors. We’ve also talked with 9,633 on the phone and texted with another 329,317.

Our carefully tailored approach is paying off. In the census blocks where we have worked, we saw an average 17.8% increase in vaccination rates compared to adjacent uncanvassed neighborhoods.


Training Makes the Difference

When our well-trained, diverse team meets with people at their door, they are equipped with persuasive scripts, award-winning technology, and culturally-competent materials. Each visit is supported and reinforced by targeted social media, texting, phone calls and direct mail. Using multiple tactics and working with DPH partners like Griffin Hospital who provide vaccination clinics in our target neighborhoods, we move people to get their vaccine.

Of course, no large project like this comes without challenges. Too many residents we encounter still aren’t ready to get vaccinated. Misinformation rages online. And the virus keeps changing the rules as variants develop.

But every morning, our canvassers proudly start their day knowing they will save more lives.

Want to find out how Grossman Solutions can help you move people to action?